Saturday, 22 December 2012
Thursday, 22 December 2011
Faroe Maritime Services has received pictures from one of our crew members who is working on the Tug Sound Provider. Sound Provider is working on a wind farm outside of Hull in United Kingdom.
Saturday, 29 October 2011
Dear friends and visitors at the exhibition stand. I thank you all for some very interesting days at the Danfish 2011. And also many thanks for your interest in our Shipbrokers Team and the interest in our company Faroe Maritime Services. On the following web sites: you can find Information on vessels for sale: and detailed information […]
Sunday, 16 October 2011
Dear friends and visitors at our exhibition stand. I wish to thank you all for some very interesting days at the Icelandic Fisheries exhibition 2011. And also many thanks for your interest in our Shipbrokers Team and Faroe Maritime Services. On the following web sites: you can find Information on vessels for sale: and detailed […]
Tuesday, 27 September 2011
Today Faroe Maritime Services has employed Mrs. Tina Grønbech as Office Manager. Tina has a wide range of maritime skills and experiences from similar positions in other companies. FMS wish Tina welcome on our team.
Monday, 01 August 2011
Vit føroyingar duga ov illa at síggja okkara styrkir. Ein av hesum styrkjum er navigatørútbúgvingin, sum setir okkum í gott orð á øllum sjey heimshøvum. So latið vera við at leggja fótonglar fyri ta skipan, ið gevur føroyskum yvirmonnum vind í seglini, ljóðar boðskapurin frá Paula Joensen, sum við føroyskum skipsføraraprógvi í hondini fór undir masterútbúgving á universiteti. Eftir […]
Monday, 25 July 2011
Following a long and illustrious career in maritime industry, Sámal Jákup Joensen is stepping down as Chairman of FMS Ltd. He will continue as a member of the board of directors of FMS Ltd. and of Faroe Maritime Services,Shipbrokers and Samtrade. Pauli Joensen will take over as Working Chairman of FMS Ltd and the company´s activity’s Faroe Maritime Services, the Shipbrokers […]
Friday, 01 July 2011
Here are some of the pictures from Donsö Fair.
Sunday, 29 May 2011
Today Birgit Brandt Nilsen, Samal Joensen Jákup and Pauli Joensen have visited the North Atlantic Fish Fair 2011
Thursday, 07 April 2011