Our team has delivered a new investment project based on Faroes law and Faroes regulations. This project contains a plan to build 5 new cargo vessels under Faroes Flag. This vessels shall enter a nice marked of sailing with dangerous IMO Cargo. The project is based on faroes management of the vessels. Faroe Maritime Services […]
Thursday, 30 June 2011
The China new built tug Svitzer Trym is now under Faroes Flag. The Tug is operation in Scandinavia after a long delivery voyage from Qingdao. The tug is stationed in Sweden. Svitzer Trym is an ice strengthened multipurpose tug fitted with large towing winches. Svitzer Trym – and her sister Svitzer Tyr -arrived at Frederikshavnafter 15,000 nautical miles delivery voyage from Quindao in China. […]
Wednesday, 08 June 2011
Í dag er Svitzer Tyr, sleipibátur frá svenska reiðarínum Svitzer skrásettur í føroysku altjóða skipaskrásetingini FAS. Næstu vikurnar fer reiðaríið ætlandi at skráseta 9 skip afturat. Eigari av Svitzer Tyr, eins og teimum komandi skipunum, er P/f Svitzer Faroe Islands, ið er partur av stóra danska A. P. Møller – Mærsk samtakinum. Umboð fyri Svitzer vóru […]
Thursday, 26 May 2011
Fyri fáum døgum síðan kom spildur nýggi Svitzer Tyr í FAS, og í dag kom so aftur ein, reiðaríið, ið stendur aftanfyri skipini skal skráseta heili 8 skip aftrat í FAS skipanina. Svitzer Oden er ikki ein av nýggjastu bátunum hjá felagnum, men er bygdur í 2005 og er 35,9 metur langur, 13,5 metur breiður og […]
Thursday, 26 May 2011
Louise Konateh Fredrik Lundgren and Monica Holen Brezicka have been on a two days visit to the Faroe Islands, where we have organize all the meetings with FAS, FMA, lawyers, accountants, Als and tax authorities and the faroe shipoweners associations.
Monday, 28 February 2011
Faroe Business Report. Ship management and human resources consultancy, opened for business, with partner Mr. Joensen as managing director. With specialist knowledge of the Faroe Islands International Ship Register (FAS), the Faroese company manages merchant vessels under a range of international flags, including the Faroese. FAS advantages include a 18-percent tax on corporate profits, […]
Sunday, 30 January 2011
Source: Shipgaz Svitzer has now choose to re-flag their Swedish flag vessels to the Faroe International Shipping Register (FAS). This is with reference to the fact that ships are not competitive under Swedish flag and the Faroese ship registry is the most advantageous for the employees. “We have informed our employees and unions about our intentions. We want an open process, ” says Torsten Holst Pedersen, managing director of Svitzer Scandinavia, to Shipgaz. There are not yet quantified the number of Svitzer ships to be transferred to FAS, but Mr. Holst Pedersenestimates that it will be a 10-12 pieces. “We have chosen the Faroe International Shipping Register of interests of our employees. The Danish DIS is anet wage system. It would mean that our employees would pay zero tax in Denmark, but then 35 percent taxin Sweden. And then it will not be so much left. Contrary to the Faroe Islands which offers a tax rebate for the personal, “says Torsten Holst Pedersen. He hopes that the process will be completed during the first quarter of next year.
Tuesday, 30 November 2010
Pauli Joensen has been in Svenborg for a meeting whit a danish ship owner, that has plan to ref-flag 3 vessels to the Faroe Island International shipregister
Friday, 26 November 2010
Pauli Joensen visited a Norwegian vessel which was in the Morska shipyard. The plan is to re flagging the vessel to the Faroe Islands international shipping register the ship-owner has 3 vessels.
Thursday, 28 October 2010
During this summer, several adjustments were made within the maritime sector in the Faroe Islands, all with the same immediate purpose of adjusting the authorities to meet the greater challenges and to strengthen the FAS position in the future. Read more. 1313508119_newsletterno124sept2010
Friday, 24 September 2010